I can't do this anymore

"Gregory Helms"

Production Number: 1
The Stats: W: 00 L: 00 D: 00
Next Match: vs Jamie Noble
WCW Achievements: None as of yet

WCW - Can this be the new beginning for Hurricane Helms? After a few years of - "focusing attention to justice" - Hurricane has reportedly signed up to be the bringer of peace, to be the watchman of WCW, to be the White Knight of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world! Hurricane has been given the opportunity to kick start his career right away, facing Jamie Noble in a WCW dark match.

Our scene opens up with our caped crusader, who is perched ontop of a very large building, head hanging down over the busy city, watching cars rush through the streets. Hurricane doesn't even aknowledge the rain.. or the distinct cry of an innocent being, desperate for help.

Hurricane Helms: " I don't know if I can do this anymore."

Hurricane puts his hands over his face, and slowly pulls off his Hurricane mask.

Hurricane Helms: " I have lost so much over the years, and I... I have nothing to show for it. I spend my life, day and night trying to help and protect the citizens of these streets from the darkness that hides in the shadows. And what do I have to show for it? I have lost the only woman in the world I ever cared for, Mighty Molly."

A tear slowly slides down the cheek of The Hurricane.

Hurricane Helms: " I spent my life trying to protect here from this cruel world, but she was taken from me. The only girl... and SHE WAS TAKEN FROM ME. Theres no use for me to cry for help, because i'm the only help in this world. Nobody rescues me. Everyone is too afriad to stand up for whats right. The citizens of this city and every other city in the world, expect someone to fight their battles for them. When world leaders make threats against nations, they send soldiers to do their dirty work whilst they sit back in a secure location, watching the world go by."

Hurricane takes a long hard look at his mask.

Hurricane Helms: " Not only did I loose Molly, but I lost my SHIT too. The greatest SHIT that I ever produced, and I was taken. My SHIT Rosey, had the potential, he had the world on his mind and all he ever wanted to do was protect it. Yet, like so many fallen heroes he became another casualty. What is this damn world coming to?"

Helms grips the mask and throws it away. The mask slowly descends into the air and fades away into the streets.

Hurricane Helms: " This world doesn't deserve The Hurricane protecting them. I'm fed up with helping people who have no intention of helping themselves. I have put my life on the line ever since I was sworn into the Justice League, I was sworn in to serve and protect the innocent citizens of Earth, to help them when help is needed. To pick them up when they where down. But I have realised - even though it took me until now - I have realised that this world is beyond saving. Let me as you this, where was my help when Molly and Rosey were taken from me?."

Helms laughs

Hurricane Helms: " No, I didn't think so. Why should I be helped? I'm telling you this right now. I am through helping this world because this world, doesn't deserve the protection it been receiving. The Hurricane is no more. So let me ask you this world... who will you call to help you when the evil of this world rises forth, and begins to over run the streets, The Police? They can't help you. They are just as corrupt as the criminals in the back alleys. I pity you. Each and everyone of you. You took away my Molly, you took away my SHIT - so I'm taking away your safety blanket. From this day forth there will be nobody here to help you, and you will be begging me to dawn my ask and protect you."

Helms shakes his head in disgust.

Hurricane Helms: " Damn you for making me do this! DAMN YOU!"

Helms stands up from his stance, and walks away from the ledge as the scene slowly fades out.  

The scene re-opens once again, this time we have Gregory Helms, dressed in jeans and a blue rolled up shirt. Helms is behind a WCW backdrop walking back and forth. A smile dressed on his face.

Gregory Helms: " So... I have returned back to WCW. Though this time, I'm not dressed up in baggy pants and wearing a stupid bandana. This time, i'm not equipped with a microphone signing shitty love songs to an audience that couldn't really care less. This time it's different. No gimmicks, no bullshit, no imatations - Just me. Gregory Helms."

Helms pauses for a moment.

Gregory Helms: " I'm back in WCW for a reason. The world has never seen the real Gregory Helms before. You were all too busy watching me fly around like a caped crusader helping the poor poor people of this world get by. I'm not here to save anyone, i've left that life behind me. I'm back in WCW to make a name for myself. I'm here to make the impact that this place needs. You people think that you have seen it all? No, think again. I am going to do anything that I can to get what I want in WCW. If I have to destroy John Morrison with a steel chair, i'll do it. If I have to take out Nathan Jones with a tazer, then by god I will. I'm not prepared to stand by and let my chances fall away, i'll take them whichever way I can."

Helms laughs for a second.

Gregory Helms: " My chances start at Nitro. I am officially booked in for my first match, and unfortunatly it's only a... dark match. A non televised match? Lemme ask ya' this Eric Bischoff 'cause I know your watching this. Why the hell do you think it's necessary to book me in a non televised match? Are you afraid incase I do something that may 'screw' up any plans you have for Nitro? Are you afriad incase your new signee makes a better impact than your world champion? Lemme tell you this Bischoff, one way or another Gregory Helms WILL show his face on the live broadcast of Nitro and I am prepared to make the impact of all impacts!! You wanna know what i'm gonna do? Then I strongly advise you Eric to keep a close, close eye on the proceedings.."

Helms rubs his goatee

Gregory Helms: " Moving on to a more important mater, that being my opponent for this dark match, Jamie Noble. Jamie Noble.. Bischoff this must be your doing. This is exactly that same shit you produced back in the old WCW, having established men such as myself. Me being destined for greatness, destined for the World Title and you go ahead and put me against Jamie Noble. Noble, you are nothing but a joke! A trailer park jackass! You are everything that is wrong with WCW, you make this place look like a fuckin' circus. When you sign a WCW contract - I don't know if you understand a meaning of a contract, or if you can even write - when you sign the contract, you begin to represent WCW. Now, if the network executives and the fans tune in every Monday Night to watch me, Gregory Helms, and all of a sudden you show up on their screens - a bum, trailer trash, inbred hick! How are they going to feel when they see you? A man that is supposed to represent this great company?"

Helms produces a sickening look on his face.

Gregory Helms: " They will feel as if they have been shafted over! They don't want to see you Jamie and your little slut Nidia, making out on Nitro like your a couple of softporn pornstars! They'll get a better thrill by watchin' old re-runs of Mae Young and her... lets say, incidents. Ya' see Jamie I tuned in to watch your 'Trailer Trash TV' segment that you produced just the other day, and it just proves to everyone how dumb you hicks really are. You think, you actually think that you can beat me? See Jamie I think i've finally realised why Eric signed you. He knows that i'm a little rusty in the ring, and he wanted to give me an easy time, so - he hires a nobody, a jobber who will disappear from WCW without a fuss and the fans wont even know he was there - that guy is you Jamie! I think your little trailer whore mis understood the voicemail left for you, she's probably had too much of the white stuff if ya' catch my drift."

Helms smiles.

Gregory Helms: " I really don't have time to waste over guys like you Jamie. I have more important matters in my life, I have a goal to reach to become World Champion and I really cannot believe that I have to waste MY time facing guys like you! But Jamie, I promise you one thing my friend, your gonna walk away with a huge bonus from this match. Well, when I say walk I really mean be carried out on a stretcher. And by bonus I mean, you are going to get a brand new home! Thats right, you will be a permanent guest in ICU ward of the hospital of your choosing. See Jamie, I'm going to leave my mark on you because unlike when we were back in the 'E - Your not going to see a watered down version of Gregory Helms. I'm going to make sure that I make an example out of you Jamie, and that you will have learnt your lesson on how not to piss off the wrong guy. Jamie, get ready, because your about to feel the effects, of the."


Helms smiles into the camera and puts his hands over it as the scene slowly fades out.